Building students ownership of learning Building students’ ownership of learning means teachers and students both have equal responsibility to work together to empower students with knowledge and self-assurance to surpass their targets. This mutual commitment is emphasized in the title of the book “Partenering with Students” to Build Ownership of Learning. Student ownership in...
Unlocking the Power of Feedback in Student Learning
Introduction Student feedback plays a crucial role in the educational process. When delivered effectively, it allows students to recognize their strengths and areas for improvement. It not only highlights their achievements, but also guides them toward growth. By appreciating the value of student feedback and employing effective feedback techniques, educators can enhance the learning experience...
How to Clarify Learning Progression Within Standards In 2 Steps
Learning Progressions: A Pathway for the 21st Century Teaching and Learning Clarify Learning Progression Clarify learning progression within standards is a critical first step for teachers and students to share ownership of learning with students, according to Mary Jane O’Connell and Kara Vandas, authors of the Partnering with Students Building Ownership of Learning book. O’Connell...
Strategies Better Collaborative Relationships for Learning
Reimagining Classrooms: Teachers as Learners and Students as Leaders Collaborative Relationships for Learning Improving Students’ Relationships with Teachers to Provide Essential Supports for Learning In their book, Partnering with Students, authors Mary O’Connell and Kara Vandas provide strategies for better collaborative relationships of learning. Collaborative relationships for...
What is Project Based Learning You Need to Know in the Classroom?
Project Based Learning: Explained Video Unlocking Creativity & Collaboration: Project Based Learning PBL is all about engaging students in real-world challenges and complex questions, driving them to explore and discover answers through a journey of learning. Unlike the more traditional sit-and-get method of instruction, PBL shifts the gears by placing students in the driver’s seat of...
How Building Student Agency Foster Lifelong Learning
Building Student Agency Building student agency is a powerful approach to fostering lifelong learning, as it empowers students to take ownership of their educational journey and develop essential skills that extend far beyond the classroom. By cultivating agency, educators create an environment where students become active participants in their learning process, rather than passive recipients of...
How to Build Framework for Student Agency in 5 Steps
Framework for Student Agency Build Framework for Student Agency What is an Agency? Bill Zima, author of Mindsets and Skillsets for Learning: A Framework for Building Student Agency, defines agency as the perceived ability of the individual, based on his or her capacity, to shape his or her life. You might wonder what does this look like in a classroom? Zima gives these scenarios: A kindergartner...
How to Build Commitment to Learning in Students in the Classroom
Focus on Learning Introduction To build commitment to learning in students, you need buy-in from students and staff with school vision, values, and goals. School functioning as Professional Learning Communities uses their mission, vision, values, and goals as successful businesses use Big, Hairy, Audacious, Goal (BHAG). Jim Collins (2001), author of Good to Great. states, “a BHAG is “a huge...
How to Integrate Assessment Best Practices into Project-Based Learning
The Building Blocks of Project-Based Learning Lesson Plan Check List for PBL Jennifer Pieratt, author of Project-Based Learning: Assessment and Other Dirty Words, provided some tips to help you integrate assessment best practices into your projects, while also helping you uphold rigor and student engagement: Start With The End In Mind Build Your Rubric Rows Benchmark Deliverables Calendar It Out...
How to help Students Own How Well They Are Learning
Introduction True student ownership begins when the teacher looks at assessment from the point of view of the student. That is assessment for learning. Robert Crowe and Jane Kenney define the student’s ability to understand when they are learning and struggling, as assessment. It directly relates to the learning as determined in the curriculum, and to the strategies as determined in...
Maximizing Learning Targets for Student Success In Classrooms
Learning targets are essential for helping students know what they need to focus on. Unlike broad objectives, effective learning targets are concise, measurable, and utilize action-oriented verbs. Words like "identify," "explain," "analyze," or "create" illustrate the specific skills or actions students should demonstrate after a lesson.
Empower Student Ownership of Learning in the Classroom
What does student ownership of learning mean? Student ownership of learning means students take responsibility for their learning process, set goals, make decisions, and monitor their progress with course content. It empowers students to achieve greater student engagement in their education, fostering independence, critical thinking, and deeper understanding of the material. Importance of Student...
Empower Students Ownership of Learning Mission Statement
Empower Student Learning Empower Students Ownership of Learning Mission Empower students to own their learning is my mission to help educators understand how to empower student learning in the classroom. Information provided is based on Partnering With Students, Building Ownership of Learning Book. True North is about empowering students with the wisdom and confidence to exceed expectations...
What are Learner Strategies? Why is Learner Strategies Important?
Learner Strategies Defined According to O’Connell and Vandas, learner strategies are the plans or actions that help you learn faster and can be used in other learning situations. How do teachers help their students come up with ways to learn? This post will show you how. Why Is It Important? For kids, the most important part of learning is to teach them how to learn better and find the...
3 Planning Steps of PBL in the Classroom You Need to Know
How Does Project Based Learning Work? Planning Steps of PBL Three planning steps of PBL are Step 1: Plan with the End in Mind, Step 2: Plan the Assessments, and Step 3: Plan the Teaching and Learning. These three planning steps are according to Ross Cooper and Erin Murphy, authors of the book Project Based Learning Real Questions. Real Answers. How to Unpack PBL and Inquiry. In this blog, I will...
Success Criteria Effective Feedback You Need to Know
Table of Contents Effective Feedback Effective feedback needs to be reviewed as just right, just in time, and just for me. It can nourish unprecedented growth in learning for all students. O’Connell and Vandas, authors of Partnering With Students Building Ownership of Learning, deconstructed feedback by synthesizing research and best practices into an easy acronym, using the word feedback...