ArchiveMarch 2022

Mistakes You Don’t Want To Make: Effective Elements of Instruction


The Elements of Effective Instruction According to the article “The Elements of Effective Instruction” by Great Schools Partnership, these 5 elements of instructional practice are intertwined to foster student engagement with the ultimate goal of improving student outcomes and achievements, and it is a necessary foundation for fostering student ownership of learning. So, what happens...

How to Plan Curriculum Using SLP Guiding Questions


What Students Know and Do Curriculum Planning When planning curriculum, teachers need to consider three strategic learning practices: learning outcome, conceptual redundancy of learning outcome, materials. The following is what teachers need to decide when to offer the following three practices: Curriculum 1: Each and every student is supported by relevant standards with measurable and achievable...

What is the Look and Sound of Student Ownership?


Student Ownership Student ownership is defined as a mindset, according to Robert Crowe and Jane Kennedy, authors of Developing Student Ownership Supporting Students to Own Their Learning through the use of Strategic Learning Practices. Authors describe students with an ownership mindset who know they have the authority, capacity, and responsibility to own their learning. The Look and Sound of...

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