ArchiveFebruary 2023

How to Shape Project Design with Great Clarity in PBL


Design Shift 1 Clarity Shape Project Design with Clarity Michael McDowell’s first design shift, Clarity, focuses on shaping project design (PBL) to enable students to address question 1, where am I going in my learning? McDowell ensures clarity by using two design challenges that emerge for teachers: Supporting context and tasks from learning intention and success criteria Scaffolding...

How to Create Effective PBL Unit With 5 Important Tips


Create Effective PBL Unit Introduction To help facilitate Project-Based Learning of your own, a fourth-grade teacher and James Fester, author of Creating a PBL unit Based on Local History in Elementary School, give 5 important tips that are effective in creating a Project-Based Learning unit:  Determine Your Learning Goals  Provide Context to Sustain Inquiry  Survey Communities for...

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