How Does Project Based Learning Work? Planning Steps of PBL Three planning steps of PBL are Step 1: Plan with the End in Mind, Step 2: Plan the Assessments, and Step 3: Plan the Teaching and Learning. These three planning steps are according to Ross Cooper and Erin Murphy, authors of the book Project Based Learning Real Questions. Real Answers. How to Unpack PBL and Inquiry. In this blog, I will...
Depth of Knowledge Proven Strategy that Increase Rigor
Depth of Knowledge (DOK) Definition How much students need to know, understand, and be aware of what they are learning is called their “depth of knowledge.” This helps them find answers, outcomes, results, and remedies and explain them. It also says how much students are supposed to use and apply what they have learned in different schools and real-life situations. This definition is from...
Seven Misconceptions of Rigor and Depth of Knowledge
Burn This! Why the D.O.K. Wheel Is Inaccurate Misconceptions of Rigor and Depth of Knowledge Seven misconceptions of rigor and depth of knowledge and they are: Misconception 1. All students can’t think deeply; all students shouldn’t need scaffolding to support deeper thinking. Misconception 2. Depth-of-knowledge levels should function as a taxonomy. Misconception 3. You can equate verb...