CategoryEquity In Education Help Students Be Successful in Classroom

Equity in education is a principle of fairness that aims to provide every student with the resources needed to achieve basic work skills.

The Truth about Unconscious Bias What You Need to Know


What is Unconscious Bias? Unconscious bias is also called implicit bias—a type of social cognition that occurs below the surface, making it harder to detect as defined by Huda Essa, author of the book The Consciously Unbiased Educator. Essa cites social scientists who believe unconscious bias can develop as early as age 3 (Flannery, 2015). They are often undetected and may even contradict a...

Student Sense of Belonging Strategies You Need to Know


Building a Belonging Classroom Student Sense of Belonging Strategies How to Build a Strong Foundation for the Year Student Sense of Belonging strategies are Reflections of Self, Quick Checks, 2 x 10 strategy, Kid watching, and Student and Family Inventories. These 5 strategies are from authors Colleen Urlik and Rebecca McKinney of Accelerating Learning For All Equity in Action. These strategies...

Identity Safety in the Classroom 4 Ways to Increase it


Identity Safe Classroom Identity Safe Classrooms are, according to Dorothy M Steel and Becky Crohn Vargas, “those in which teachers strive to ensure students that their social identity is an asset, not a barrier to success.” Shane Safir, author of the article “Fostering Identity Safety in the Classroom“, notes that such classrooms students feel safe, included and valued...

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