TagStudent Voice and Choice

Student voice and choice allow students to voice their personal interests, concerns, or issues that are significant parts of their lives.

3 Planning Steps of PBL in the Classroom You Need to Know


How Does Project Based Learning Work? Planning Steps of PBL Three planning steps of PBL are Step 1: Plan with the End in Mind, Step 2: Plan the Assessments, and Step 3: Plan the Teaching and Learning. These three planning steps are according to Ross Cooper and Erin Murphy, authors of the book Project Based Learning Real Questions. Real Answers. How to Unpack PBL and Inquiry. In this blog, I will...

Student Sense of Belonging Strategies You Need to Know


Building a Belonging Classroom Student Sense of Belonging Strategies How to Build a Strong Foundation for the Year Student Sense of Belonging strategies are Reflections of Self, Quick Checks, 2 x 10 strategy, Kid watching, and Student and Family Inventories. These 5 strategies are from authors Colleen Urlik and Rebecca McKinney of Accelerating Learning For All Equity in Action. These strategies...

Student Discussion Proven Strategy You Need to Know


Student Discussion Student discussion refers to the cognitive process in which students engage in critical thinking by posing and investigating questions, making connections between information and their personal experiences and cultural background, substantiating their reasoning, and questioning their own and others’ perspectives to achieve clarity and comprehension. This definition is...

Building a Belonging Classroom What You Need to Know


Building a Belonging in the Classroom Building Sense of Belonging Building a sense of belonging is a strong sense of connection to a group or community. Feeling respected and accepted, having a sense of group purpose, and being part of a bigger system are ways to achieve this. People are more likely to be motivated and involved in their work when they feel belonging. It may also lead to more...

How to Apply Choice and Voice in Diverse Classrooms


Voice and Choice Voice and Choice are the two core tenets of Student-Center-Learning, according to Christa Green and Christopher Harrington, authors of the “How Implementing Voice and Choice Can Improve Student Engagement” article. Green and Harrington explore voice and choice in depth “to understand why implementing Student-Centered principles into the learning environment can...

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