Voice and Choice Voice and Choice are the two core tenets of Student-Center-Learning, according to Christa Green and Christopher Harrington, authors of the “How Implementing Voice and Choice Can Improve Student Engagement” article. Green and Harrington explore voice and choice in depth “to understand why implementing Student-Centered principles into the learning environment can...
How to Integrate Assessment Best Practices into Project-Based Learning
The Building Blocks of Project-Based Learning Lesson Plan Check List for PBL Jennifer Pieratt, author of Project-Based Learning: Assessment and Other Dirty Words, provided some tips to help you integrate assessment best practices into your projects, while also helping you uphold rigor and student engagement: Start With The End In Mind Build Your Rubric Rows Benchmark Deliverables Calendar It Out...
How to Write Driving Questions That Drive Projects Learning
2nd Position of Google Search.
The Key to Create Authentic Project Empower Student Learning
What is Authentic Project Based Learning Authentic Project Based Learning Making Project-Based Learning Authentic Key to create an authentic Project Based Learning Project is to make it real, relevant and impactful. John Larmer in his article “PBL: What Does It Take for A Project to Be ‘Authentic’? defines a project as not authentic unless it is in the real world, directly...
You Need to Know 8 key Elements of Project Based Learning
A Public Product and Sustain Inquiry Project Based Learning Defined Project based learning is “a systematic teaching method that engages students in learning important knowledge and 21st century skills through an extended student-influenced inquiry process structured around complex, authentic questions and carefully designed products and learning tasks.” This is according to the book...
How to help Students Own How Well They Are Learning
Introduction True student ownership begins when the teacher looks at assessment from the point of view of the student. That is assessment for learning. Robert Crowe and Jane Kenney define the student’s ability to understand when they are learning and struggling, as assessment. It directly relates to the learning as determined in the curriculum, and to the strategies as determined in...
Master Effective Instructional Practices for Success
Effective Instructional Practices In today’s changing school environment, it is important to ensure students learn. Learning is a process that needs good teaching methods that fit each student’s needs. This blog post will talk about instructional practices. It will show why they matter for creating a good learning environment. Also, it will share simple strategies that teachers can...
Mistakes You Don’t Want To Make in Effective Instruction
Effective Instruction Classroom Choas. According to the article “The Elements of Effective Instruction” by the Great Schools Partnership, five key elements of instructional practice work hand in hand to boost student engagement, ultimately leading to enhanced student outcomes and achievements. These elements also lay the groundwork for encouraging students to take ownership of their...
How to Plan Curriculum Using SLP Guiding Questions
What Students Know and Do Curriculum Crowe and Kennedy describe curriculum as what students are expected to know and do by the end of a lesson, unit, or course. It all starts with grasping the essential content and skills that learners should master. The standards shaped by curriculum and learning objectives derived from state expectations provide a solid foundation for educational goals...
What is the Look and Sound of Student Ownership?
Student Ownership Student ownership is defined as a mindset, according to Robert Crowe and Jane Kennedy, authors of Developing Student Ownership Supporting Students to Own Their Learning through the use of Strategic Learning Practices. Authors describe students with an ownership mindset who know they have the authority, capacity, and responsibility to own their learning. The Look and Sound of...
Two Key Components in Path to Rigor in the Classroom
Two Key Components Rigor Two Components in Path to Rigor The Path to Rigor has two components-complexity and autonomy. This is according to authors Carla Moore, Michael D Toth, and Robert J Marzano, The Essentials for Standards-Driven Classrooms. Complexity, authors define, is the cognitive load required by the standard. There are four levels in Marzano’s taxonomy: Retrieval, comprehension...
How to Strengthen Student Engagement Using a Balancing Model
What is Student Engagement? Introduction Strengthen student engagement, author Dr. Richard D Jones, is based on Engagement-Based Learning and Teaching. It is an approach that provides the foundation for developing and strengthening student engagement and the learning process. Dr. Jones built the foundation through specific principles, habits, skills and strategies. There are three domains of...
6 Ways to Make Thinking Visible A Powerful Practice
6 Ways of Making Thinking Visible The 6 Ways to Make Thinking Visible A Powerful Practice are, according to Ron Ritchhart and Mark Church authors of the The Power of Making Thinking Visible: Foster deep learning Cultivate engaged students Change the role of students and teachers Enhance our formative assessment practice Improve learning Developing thinking dispositions Ritchhart and Church...
Mastering the Standards-Based Planning Process For Success
Standards Based Planning Process includes planning lessons and units built on standards, and creating assessments that measure student progress toward standards.
How to Promote Higher Literacy Using 2 Thinking Tools
Thinking Tool Kit Thinking Tools Promote Higher Literacy Thinking tools are cognitive strategies, including planning and goal-setting, tapping prior knowledge, making connections, forming interpretations, reflecting, and evaluating that experienced readers and writers used to construct meaning from and with texts according to Carol Booth Olson, author of Thinking Tools for Young Readers and...
Mastering Success Criteria for Academic Achievement
In education, success criteria are clear and concise guidelines that outline what effective learning entails for a specific task, assignment, or objective. Unlike broader learning goals, success criteria break down expectations into manageable, achievable steps, giving high school students clear targets to strive for.