CategoryProject Based Learning

Project Based Learning (PBL) is students acquire content knowledge and skills to answer a driving question. based on an authentic problem.

PBL Project Design Focus on Content Knowledge & 3Cs Students Need


PBL Project Design Focus When designing a PBL Project, your focus is to teach students academic content area knowledge and skills drawn from district or state standards. Your project also focuses on building students’ ability to think critically, solve problems, collaborate, and communicate (3Cs), which are the 21st Century skills students need to prepare for life and work in today’s...

First PBL Project Modest in Scope Achieve Best Results


Scope First PBL Project needs to be modest in scope to achieve the best result. Andrew Miller stresses that if you are just getting started with Project Based Learning, “Don’t Go Crazy”. Miller’s article “Getting Started with Project-Based Learning (Hint: Don’t Go Crazy)” suggests a few things to consider if you are just started with PBL: Limited Scope: Try to focus on two or three priority...

Scrum A Tested Organization Tool for Project Based Learning


What is SCRUM? Why I Scrum: Using a Project Management Tool for PBL SCRUM tools support Scrum ceremonies, including planning sprints, keeping track of daily work, refining backlogs, and using data from the past to keep improving. When people work together on these tasks, Scrum tools help them stay focused by connecting the work to its value. If you are a teacher who works on projects with...

Explore Project Idea with 5 Tips for Authentic Learning in PBL


Explore Project Idea To explore a project idea, you need to develop an idea by looking at places to start turning your wheels, according to PBL IN Elementary Grades book. The information for project ideas is from the following in this blog: PBL IN THE ELEMENTARY GRADES Step-by-Step Guidance, Tools and Tips for Standards-Focused K-5 Projects book suggests to look at the standards. Trevor Muir...

How to Seek Rigor in Project Based Learning Classroom


Rigor in Project Based Learning Seeking Rigor In PBL What is Rigorous Project Based Learning? Robert Marzano presents a way to design projects that emphasizes the enhancement of students’ options. He uses structures that provide clear pathways to rigor from his book Understanding Rigor in the Classroom. The goal of Project Based instruction is for students to design their own projects...

3 Planning Steps of PBL in the Classroom You Need to Know


How Does Project Based Learning Work? Planning Steps of PBL Three planning steps of PBL are Step 1: Plan with the End in Mind, Step 2: Plan the Assessments, and Step 3: Plan the Teaching and Learning. These three planning steps are according to Ross Cooper and Erin Murphy, authors of the book Project Based Learning Real Questions. Real Answers. How to Unpack PBL and Inquiry. In this blog, I will...

How to Design Project-Based Learning with Clarity in 5 Steps


Phase 1: Clarity Design PBL with Clarity Rigorous Project Based Learning by Michael McDowell Video Michael McDowell, author of Rigorous PBL Design, suggests 5 steps to ensure students can answer where I am going in my learning: Step 1: Prioritize key learning intentions. Step 2: Create success criteria at surface, deep, and transfer levels. Step 3: Design driving questions that align with...

How to Shape Project Design with Great Clarity in PBL


Design Shift 1 Clarity Shape Project Design with Clarity Michael McDowell’s first design shift, Clarity, focuses on shaping project design (PBL) to enable students to address question 1, where am I going in my learning? McDowell ensures clarity by using two design challenges that emerge for teachers: Supporting context and tasks from learning intention and success criteria Scaffolding...

How to Create Effective PBL Unit With 5 Important Tips


Create Effective PBL Unit Introduction To help facilitate Project-Based Learning of your own, a fourth-grade teacher and James Fester, author of Creating a PBL unit Based on Local History in Elementary School, give 5 important tips that are effective in creating a Project-Based Learning unit:  Determine Your Learning Goals  Provide Context to Sustain Inquiry  Survey Communities for...

How to Develop Deep Learning Using Hexagonal Thinking


Hexagonal Thinking What is Hexagonal Thinking? Hexagonal thinking involves students recording ideas, questions or facts on hexagonal tiles and arranging them so that related tiles are next to each other, essentially building a web of connections. It can be used to provide students with an effective way to launch project-based-learning, and students can go after interesting questions. I will show...

How Using Community Challenges Promotes Mind and Skill Sets


Using Community Challenges Using Community Challenges to Collecting Real-World Problems School Budget Cut Using Community Challenges to promote mind and skill sets is to collect real-world problems that are a challenge or driving question for students. This is PBL’s first step in the learning process, which is a challenge or driving question. It involves a project that matters in the real...

Building a Belonging Classroom What You Need to Know


Building a Belonging in the Classroom Building Sense of Belonging Building a sense of belonging is a strong sense of connection to a group or community. Feeling respected and accepted, having a sense of group purpose, and being part of a bigger system are ways to achieve this. People are more likely to be motivated and involved in their work when they feel belonging. It may also lead to more...

How to Apply Choice and Voice in Diverse Classrooms


Voice and Choice Voice and Choice are the two core tenets of Student-Center-Learning, according to Christa Green and Christopher Harrington, authors of the “How Implementing Voice and Choice Can Improve Student Engagement” article. Green and Harrington explore voice and choice in depth “to understand why implementing Student-Centered principles into the learning environment can...

How to Integrate Assessment Best Practices into Project-Based Learning


The Building Blocks of Project-Based Learning Lesson Plan Check List for PBL Jennifer Pieratt, author of Project-Based Learning: Assessment and Other Dirty Words, provided some tips to help you integrate assessment best practices into your projects, while also helping you uphold rigor and student engagement: Start With The End In Mind Build Your Rubric Rows Benchmark Deliverables Calendar It Out...

The Key to Create Authentic Project Empower Student Learning


What is Authentic Project Based Learning Authentic Project Based Learning Making Project-Based Learning Authentic Key to create an authentic Project Based Learning Project is to make it real, relevant and impactful. John Larmer in his article “PBL: What Does It Take for A Project to Be ‘Authentic’? defines a project as not authentic unless it is in the real world, directly...

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