CategoryWhat Students Should Know Common Core Standards

What students should know is a set of academic standards for what every student is expected to learn in each grade level, from k to 12th grade.

Depth of Knowledge Proven Strategy that Increase Rigor


Depth of Knowledge (DOK) Definition How much students need to know, understand, and be aware of what they are learning is called their “depth of knowledge.” This helps them find answers, outcomes, results, and remedies and explain them. It also says how much students are supposed to use and apply what they have learned in different schools and real-life situations. This definition is from...

Seven Misconceptions of Rigor and Depth of Knowledge


Burn This! Why the D.O.K. Wheel Is Inaccurate Misconceptions of Rigor and Depth of Knowledge Seven misconceptions of rigor and depth of knowledge and they are: Misconception 1. All students can’t think deeply; all students shouldn’t need scaffolding to support deeper thinking. Misconception 2. Depth-of-knowledge levels should function as a taxonomy. Misconception 3. You can equate verb...

Success Criteria Effective Feedback You Need to Know


Table of Contents Effective Feedback Effective feedback needs to be reviewed as just right, just in time, and just for me. It can nourish unprecedented growth in learning for all students. O’Connell and Vandas, authors of Partnering With Students Building Ownership of Learning, deconstructed feedback by synthesizing research and best practices into an easy acronym, using the word feedback...

How to Clarify Learning Progression Within Standards In 2 Steps


Learning Progressions: A Pathway for the 21st Century Teaching and Learning Clarify Learning Progression Clarify learning progression within standards is a critical first step for teachers and students to share ownership of learning with students, according to Mary Jane O’Connell and Kara Vandas, authors of the Partnering with Students Building Ownership of Learning book. O’Connell...

Mistakes You Don’t Want To Make in Effective Instruction


Effective Instruction Classroom Choas. According to the article “The Elements of Effective Instruction” by the Great Schools Partnership, five key elements of instructional practice work hand in hand to boost student engagement, ultimately leading to enhanced student outcomes and achievements. These elements also lay the groundwork for encouraging students to take ownership of their...

How to Plan Curriculum Using SLP Guiding Questions


What Students Know and Do Curriculum  Crowe and Kennedy describe curriculum as what students are expected to know and do by the end of a lesson, unit, or course. It all starts with grasping the essential content and skills that learners should master. The standards shaped by curriculum and learning objectives derived from state expectations provide a solid foundation for educational goals...

Two Key Components in Path to Rigor in the Classroom


Two Key Components Rigor Two Components in Path to Rigor The Path to Rigor has two components-complexity and autonomy. This is according to authors Carla Moore, Michael D Toth, and Robert J Marzano, The Essentials for Standards-Driven Classrooms. Complexity, authors define, is the cognitive load required by the standard. There are four levels in Marzano’s taxonomy: Retrieval, comprehension...

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